Trustee Minutes – October 2019You can find important information and links to policies that affect how Wellow Recreation operates on this page.
The Constitution
The constitution sets down what Wellow Recreation exists to do and how we must operate when doing those things. Read it by clicking here.
Trustee Minutes
The Trustees meet about once a month. The minutes are made publicly available as soon as they have been approved at the following meeting and can all be found using the links below.
Trustee Minutes – October 2018
Trustee Minutes – November 2018
Wellow Recreation receive a small grant from the Parish Council for running costs. The money the Parish Council used to spend on maintaining the old playing field will be transferred to Wellow Recreation shortly. Beyond that, costs will be met through fund raising, grant applications and, in some instances, contributions from people for using the facilities.
Once we have agreed funding from the Parish Council, the budget will be finalised and available here, so villagers can see how we are spending the money. We expect the annual budget to be around £17,000 once we are fully up and running.
Links to accounts:
Income & Expenditure – 1-4-2017 to 31-12-2017
Income & Expenditure – 1-11-2015 to 31-3-2016
Hire and Contribution Policy
As a charity we have to have the money to keep the facilities running. This includes repair and replacement in future years. Whilst sticking to the principle that villagers have free access to the facilities for informal use (other than the tennis courts), charges will be made for planned use of some facilities.
This Hire & Contribution Policy describes how this will happen for the first year.
How Sub-Groups Work
Sub-groups (for example for different sports) have the power and responsibility for deciding how those activities operate. However, because Wellow Recreation is a registered charitable incorporated organisation (CIO), those groups have to follow some rules and standards.
The Sub-Groups Summary outlines what those rules and standards are.
Child Protection Policy
As a registered charity that hosts sporting/leisure activity that involves people under the age of 18, Wellow Recreation is required by law to have a child protection policy.
Our aims with all this are to follow the law, ensure children are safe and have a fun time, whilst at the same time minimising the amount of paperwork and process we have to put in place.
The main points for parents to be aware of are:
- If under 18s are to join in an organised coaching or sporting session, a short form has to be completed that provides emergency contact details and any medical or similar information that the session leader might need to know. This is a one-off form – not something you have to do every time!
- When Wellow Recreation volunteers are leading a coaching or sports session for under 18s, whilst all care will be taken, and volunteers will be DBS checked, final responsibility for the welfare of the child/young person rests with the parent/guardian – whether they choose to stay and watch or not
- Where a session is taken by an external paid member of staff, then that paid person is responsible for the child/young person’s welfare. (They will also be DBS cleared).
- There is a process to raise any concerns with the Trustees that any parent or child/young person may have.
There are three short documents, which we ask all parents of young people in the village to take a look at and all people volunteering to run sessions for children and young people to read and follow.
Wellow Recreation child protection policy
Safeguarding guide for volunteers
If you have any questions, please ask any of the Trustees