ANNOUNCEMENT – Keep Thursday 11th July 2024 free everyone!
We are pleased to announce the date of this years outdoor theatre performance:
The Miracle Theatre is to visit Wellow once again on: Thursday 11th July 2024.
This year they will be touring an adaptation of a Shakespeare play.
What people have said about the
‘Miracle are a joy – go and see them!’ Western Morning News
‘Eclectic & Ingenious!’ The Stage
‘Excellent entertainment enjoyed by our entire family’ Audience feedback
“Truly Fabulous! Perfect example of what live outdoor theatre should be all about!”
On past Miracle shows
“Absolute masterclass in comic timing’” Western Morning News (Magnificent Three, 2015)
“World Class” Western Morning News (Waiting for Godot, 2013)
“A noble and faultless staging of a timeless piece” The Stage (Waiting for Godot, 2013)
“clever commedia characters played with huge energy, slapstick, versatile doubling and cracking comic timing” The Stage (Government Inspector, 2006)
About Miracle
Miracle is an award winning touring theatre company, based in Cornwall with a reputation for producing, comical, highly entertaining and thought provoking shows suitable for anyone & everyone.
Since 1979 they have been touring to the far flung corners of the South West. Miracles outdoor productions have become a ‘must do’ activity and pop up in unexpected and extraordinary, including gardens beaches, castles and clifftops.
Awards for Miracle:
- 2014/2015 Tourism Activity, Sport & Experience GOLD award winners
- 2013 What’s On Cornwall Best Theatre Production: Waiting for Godot
- Gather a posse! Bring friends & family the more the merrier for a Miracle night out!
- Arrive Early – Pick a great spot and enjoy the beautiful surroundings
- Bring a Picnic – There will be refreshments and toilets available.
- Bring your own seat – Low backed chairs, rugs and a cushion are always nice too, combine comfort and style!
- Come prepared! – Bring whatever you need for a cosy evening. Warm woollies, blankets waterproofs and insect spray!
- Bring a Torch – It’s very helpful to safely find your way back to the car.
As we expect of Miracle this performance was family-friendly and entertaining, with the addition of the most amazing costumes!
In the run-up to the event the weather had been awful, so we all packed umbrellas and wet weather gear with our picnics this year. Then a true ‘miracle’ happened: just before the performance the rain stopped and it kindly stayed away until we’d left the field.
There were some impressive picnics
Audience participation is essential – that’s someone’s chocolate brownie snaffled
There was plenty of action to keep everyone enthralled…. the children found the strange people fascinating.
Those of us that took the chance on the weather were rewarded with what many felt was the Miracle’s best outdoor theatre production to date. The play was fun, the cast were brilliant and a great time was had by all.
We wonder what Miracle will perform for us next year?
As we approached the hot days and balmy evenings of summer, it was time to make plans for our friends and family to enjoy more time together. With numbers climbing to 270 in the audience for the outdoor theatre last summer there was no time to lose in getting tickets for this year’s performance.
The professional Miracle Theatre visited Wellow once again on: Thursday 19th July 2018, when they performed 'The Cherry Orchard' adapted and directed by Bill Scott.
As ever, the performance was family-friendly and entertaining to the full.

Miracle delivered Chekhov’s bittersweet comedy about a once-wealthy family, whose idleness and extravagance have brought them to the brink of bankruptcy.
Obstinate and self-absorbed, they are deaf to the rumblings of change which surrounds them, and unable to accept help when they need it.
Will it take a revolution to destroy their cosy world of privilege and entitlement – or will their own stupidity be enough?
Bill’s new adaptation treads the tragicomic tightrope, bringing out all the humour and pathos of Chekhov’s masterpiece which, more than a century after it was written is as popular as ever.
So we packed up a picnic, brought folding chairs and arrived early to choose our spot to await the start.
As the excitement rose, the audience swelled in numbers:
Cornwall’s award winning Miracle Theatre has developed a strong reputation for producing entertaining and dynamic adaptations of classic plays.
6.30pm Hannah Banks – Trumpet welcome as people arrive
6.40pm Maryell Finisterre – Acclaimed singer while everyone enjoys a picnic.
7.30pm Miracle Theatre Company – The Cherry Orchard performance begins – running time: approximately 2 hours plus interval.
Huge thanks to the organisers:
Ron & Sheilagh Humphreys
On behalf of Wellow Recreation Charity No 1164352
Please visit for information and details of events.
Staged, on 6th July 2017: The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien
Click on picture above to go to Jeremy Brien’s theatre review of the event:
It was a lovely sunny evening on Wellow Playing Field, with picnics being enjoyed by many as they listened to a talented solo artist and then went on to watch the amazing performance by The Miracle Theatre cast members.
……..More reporting on the event:
Special thanks and congratulations to Ron and Sheilagh Humphreys for bringing the Miracle Theatre to Wellow again this year. All that responsibility and organization must have involved a huge amount of work and probably of worry too. I hope the excitement of working with theatre and the eager response of the large audience made it all worth while.

Here’s what one Mum had to say: ‘It was a magical evening and myself and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. Kitty and I loved it and although we laughed all the way through, we were rather baffled by it, but my 10 year old grasped the concept of the play entirely! On the walk home, he said that he thought that the reason they were all so obsessed with bicycles is that the play represented the eternal cycle of hell. Well. I was pretty impressed with that!’
Well so are we!
On July 13th 2016, Calderon’s ‘Life’s a Dream’ was performed by the Miracle Theatre Company.
Wellow’s first live outdoor theatre performance by a professional touring company was a great success. On July 13th, Calderon’s Life’s a Dream was performed by the Miracle Theatre Company. An audience of over 200 people brought chairs and a picnic to enjoy before this epic fable of love, war and destiny.
The play was packed with action, full of drama and passion and had a generous seam of comedy.
The cast involved the audience at various stages and they even managed to fit in the surprise appearance of a Hercules aircraft when it flew overhead!
It was a real community event – a team of volunteers dressed the field with bunting, gazebos and flares and helped the cast to unload the staging. The youngsters of the village made themselves useful by serving the workers with tea and refreshments and then helped to carry the audience’s bulging picnic bags. After the performance the cast were invited to the Fox & Badger before being escorted by torchlight to the three homes who generously provided overnight accommodation.
Many thanks are due to all those who helped, but in particular to the two main organisers, Ron and Sheilagh Humphries.
Here are just a few of the many comments received from happy outdoor theatre go-ers – with a general view that this should be the first of an series of annual events.
‘Well done. What a fantastic night all round the play was extremely well acted, interesting, humorous and fun but above all a great tribute to your organisational excellence.’
‘I wanted to congratulate you on yesterday’s wonderful theatrical experience. I think it will go down in the annals of Wellow history as a great event. What a HUGE turnout … where did they all come from?? You should both feel jolly pleased with yourselves for pulling it off in such spectacular style.’