At the Trustees meeting at the end of April, the following were discussed:
- Progress with the lease to the land, the pavilion development and the drainage. These are all being taken forward by the Parish Council with our support.
- The tender documents for ground maintenance were reviewed and it was agreed that more information is needed before reaching a final decision.
- The concerns over parking on the playing fields were discussed. It was agreed that this should be taken up through the Parish Council with a view to getting to a clear position that the parking spaces are a resource for the village, not any single facility.
- A draft child protection policy was discussed agreed – as required by law.
- Two fund raising activities were agreed – a wine tasting in May and a safari supper in June. It was agreed we need to find/recruit a new Trustee to take responsibility for co-ordinating fund raising activity.
- It was noted that agreement has been reached with the village school for their use of the facilities on the playing field in return for a financial contribution from next term. Their usage will be free during the current term. Discussions are still needed with Magic Box.
- The first AGM will be held of June 30th. All Trustees will stand down as required by the constitution – some have indicated a willingness to continue if elected. All Trustees agreed to ask around to encourage new people to put themselves forward.
Full minutes will be published on the website once they have been agreed at the May meeting.